Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's another Saturday night

well tonight i helped my friend celebrate his 23rd birthday for a few hours, only to come back home and re-open my latest design creation. i found a website called and saw the list of opportunities for a few hundred dollars. it's really neat! so i start sketching, mind-mapping, researching... throw about three designs together... go to post it on the forum-like setting... only to find out that i am not authorized to do so! so i message the person who posted the thread and said how i could send them my sketches via e-mail. so after i got back from my friend's house i go to surf around the site to figure out what the deal was. TURNS OUT you have to be a member that is approved to submit sketches. i have no doubt in my mind that i am capable of getting this done, however, there is an entire process now that i have to invest in to complete it. joke's on them i have nothing else to do these days! worst case scenario, i can throw these sketches into a portfolio piece if they have enough merit. i found out that the message about sending my sketches via e-mail is technically "illegal" and is grounds for "banishment" from the site. so i immediately sent the person a message back saying, "oops i just found the directions/rules". i hope they realize how excited i was to post my ideas, instead of thinking i'm dumb and didn't pay attention to the process. so i created the paypal account i need, and am halfway to posting 10 forum posts. also, i need to be a member on their site for a week, so i have to wait to submit my "application" until next saturday. again, joke's on them, the deadline for the logo i was working on isn't for another 10 days.

the project i worked on is for $350 and for this online tutorial site for people who work with machines, tools, factories, etc. very industrial if you will. the videos teach them different and new applications. i started working on it, and actually like the third option i picked. hopefully the logo conveys the idea of a tool/screw. i'll post a little sneak-peak. i don't want to give too much away because ladies and gentlemen, this is a contest after all. who knows who is snooping around looking to steal my magnificent, brilliant ideas! :)

in other employment news, every now and then i go application crazy and apply to anything/everything. today i applied for a tattoo apprenticeship here in cincinnati. joke's on me now. the guy sent me an e-mail back asking to see more of my work. okay, well that's not a problem. but then, he asked about my history with tattoos and if i had any. NEWSFLASH my skin is as clean as a newborn baby. the only permanent marks on my body since then have been from sports and stitches i got in 4th grade from opening the game Outburst with scissors during indoor recess. what? it wasn't my fault the teacher wasn't there and she taped it shut and left scissors right next to the games!

so tomorrow i have to send this guy an e-mail with a few teaser files of my work... and the ugly truth that i am indeed bare of ink. i'll make sure to let him know that right now i'm looking for any kind of work and i would love to assist him/help him in anyway he needs. i need a job. if that means i get to sit and watch a tattoo artist all day, so be it. i'll be the best tattoo apprentice ever. if he finds someone else in the application process that actually has aspirations of being a tattoo artist and picks them, then it just wasn't meant to be. sigh.

well that's about it for now. if i stay up any later i'll make the 5 more required forum posts on that website and sit on my butt changing the design i'm actually semi-content with right now for that contest. aslfjasld;fj


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