Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Since We Last Left Our Heroes

Okay, so I haven't posted on my unemployment blog in awhile because i am, are you ready for this, EMPLOYED! okay, not officially, but as of this next thursday i will be! 75th time is the charm i say. literally it was the 75th place i looked for a job over the course of a little over 7 months. i am very excited and thrilled to have this job! i have a personal rule that i don't blog about jobs i have, so that's all i'll share. i will say that it has helped my mental health significantly; i no longer feel completely helpless and worthless like the dramatic self i was about 3 weeks ago.

since i'm still experiencing lasting bits of freedom this week, i just finished watching "the big chill", "suze orman young fabulous and broke", and "art:21" on jenny holzer. i finished reading, "you're so money" by a girl named farnoosh. it was a really good book about managing money when you're in your post-grad state. i really want to make sure i start off my new life managing my money really well so i can become ridiculously rich when i'm old and live on an island sipping sex on the beaches. until then, i just need to make really smart decisions. when my mom got her first paying job post-grad, she used her first paycheck to buy herself a louis vuitton bag that she still uses today. unfortunately, i don't think i will be doing that, but maybe i will treat myself with a little something as a sort of pat on the back... and a little high-five to the economy.

i'm getting ready for a girls night with some other designers in the cincinnati area that i am friends with, so it'll be nice to start a little group like that. all i have socially these days are 3 good girl friends, and about 30 guy friends from high school. it gets overwhelming sometimes with all the testosterone, but it's a whole lot better than an overload of estrogen.

okay time to crack down on some reading. just checked out, "yesterday's cincinnati", "andy warhol prince of pop" and "what jackie taught us, lessons from the remarkable life of jacqueline kennedy onassis".

and i'm listening to some songs out of my new FAVORITE movie, (500) days of summer along with a new jonas brothers song. judge me.

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