Friday, July 31, 2009

Laughing, Proud, Healing, Hoping

So after watching Chad Johnson jibber jabber all night on his UStream, I'm just relaxing watching Conan as usual. Chad is so fantastic and, dare I say, NORMAL! He gave out advice to ladies all night about guy problems. He even gave out his "office phone number" for all girls to call when they are having issues with their man. I did write it down and store it for any future dilemmas I have. You never know haha!

Today I worked the last day of lacrosse camp with a bunch of my old teammates from OU and Sycamore. It's a good way to make some quick money, but I would do it even if it were for no pay. I love being able to spread the game to girls even younger than when I started playing! The future of Sycamore lacrosse is very bright after observing what these girls can do! Very excited to be apart of a successful program that I put my blood, sweat and tears into ever since 2001.

My body is still healing from the really bad case of strep I inherited from someone this past weekend. I'm on a second medication that is truly knocking it out of my system. It's the same drug people use when they have exposure to Anthrax. Creepy!

Other than all that I'm just gearing up to get back to the REAL WORLD. After being sick and working the camp I've been out of commission pretty much on the job hunt. Next week is a new week and I am mentally preparing to tackle whatever I can find. I applied to about 4 or 5 jobs this week. It's hard to keep track of all the jobs I apply to off of either Craig's List, AIGA or other outlets online. Right now all these random websites might seem meager in means of finding a job, but I will do anything right now! I still haven't gotten a phone call from Kiss 107 FM about my resume, so that will also need to be dealt with next week. My #1 priority next week is to find a part-time job. Right now I'm considering opportunities at places that deal with printing, paper (even scrapbooking...), copying, stationary, the Apple store, etc. I am even considering applying to be a substitute teacher in my school district. Why not, right?! Basically I am just trying to find someone to BELIEVE in me and TAKE me and let me SHOW them what I CAN DO. Luckily, I have two meetings in the next two days about different freelance jobs. This is so good, my brain, heart and soul needs it. I need to design to survive in this world. My brain has so many different thoughts and ideas, all I need is direction. One freelance opp is for the website that I researched CSS for, so I'll have to get back on that train next week. Ay, ay, ay!

Hopefully this weekend will provide a respite for my body and mind. I want to be in a good physical and mental state for when I have to conquer the part-time world. It's so hard to work your ass off for the last 4 years, earn a BACHELOR degree, and have the world not let you do what you want. It's not that I suck. It's not that people don't want me. It's that no one can take me. This is where they're all wrong. Companies can't afford to NOT have me! I am one of the most ambitious, enthusiastic, idealistic people I know. I set my standards and goals so high and never cease to capture them. If I don't rise to the top I feel like I fail. It's all or nothing! Of course when I fail, I take it in stride and it only motivates me for the next round of adversity. I'm actually really proud of myself right now for thinking like this, and to be honest, I don't know where it's coming from. The last few weeks have been more than rough. I've cried a lot and just wanted to scream for help. I know I'm not alone in this because a lot of my designer friends who are entry-level as well have been doing the same. It's a roller coaster in limbo, that's for sure. I am praying that my mind can stay this optimistic and all the laziness and depression leaves all of us. We cannot give up.

Enough being Coach K here, time to get some sleep! I have to wake up to let my adorable puppy out in the morning, so I better get rest! As they say on twitter, #Goodnight

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